Prometheus Monitoring

Prometheus Metrics for the Training Operator

This guide explains how to monitor Kubeflow training jobs using Prometheus metrics. The Training Operator exposes these metrics, providing essential insights into the status of distributed machine learning workloads.

Prometheus Metrics for Training Operator

The Training Operator includes a built-in /metrics endpoint exposes Prometheus metrics. This feature is enabled by default and requires no additional configuration for basic use.

Configuring Metrics Port

By default, metrics are exposed on port 8080 and can be scraped from any IP address.

If you want to change the default port for metrics exporting and limit which IP address can scrape the metrics, simply add the metrics-bind-address argument.

For example:

# deployment.yaml for the Training Operator
    - command:
        - /manager
        image: kubeflow/training-operator
        name: training-operator
        - containerPort: 8080
        - containerPort: 9443
            name: webhook-server
            protocol: TCP
        - "--metrics-bind-address=" 


--metrics-bind-address= specifies that metrics are now available on port 8082, restricted to the IP address Alternatively, you can bind the metrics to all interfaces by using

Accessing the Metrics

The method to access these metrics may vary depending on your Kubernetes setup and environment. For example, use the following command for local environments:

kubectl port-forward -n kubeflow deployment/training-operator 8080:8080

Then you’ll see metrics in this format via http://localhost:8080/metrics:

# HELP training_operator_jobs_created_total Counts number of jobs created
# TYPE training_operator_jobs_created_total counter
training_operator_jobs_created_total{framework="tensorflow",job_namespace="kubeflow"} 7

List of Job Metrics

Metric nameDescriptionLabels
training_operator_jobs_created_totalTotal number of jobs creatednamespace, framework
training_operator_jobs_deleted_totalTotal number of jobs deletednamespace, framework
training_operator_jobs_successful_totalTotal number of successful jobsnamespace, framework
training_operator_jobs_failed_totalTotal number of failed jobsnamespace, framework
training_operator_jobs_restarted_totalTotal number of restarted jobsnamespace, framework

Labels information can be interpreted as follows:

Label nameDescription
namespaceThe Kubernetes namespace where the job is running
frameworkThe machine learning framework used (e.g. TensorFlow,PyTorch)


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